Intelligent Home Assistant Revolution

1 min readOct 1, 2023


Real-Life Story: Jane and Her Home Deus

One of the most remarkable examples of “Home Deus and self-finance book” is the rise of intelligent home assistants. These voice-activated devices have become an integral part of many households, assisting us with tasks, answering questions, and even controlling other smart devices.

As an illustrative instance, consider the scenario of owning a virtual assistant like Alexa or Google Home. This technological marvel seamlessly empowers you to activate lights, control the thermostat, or place grocery orders using nothing more than a simple voice command.

Real-Life Story: Jane and Her Home Deus

Let’s meet Jane, a working professional who relies on her intelligent home assistant, whom she lovingly named “Aria.”

Every morning, as Jane wakes up, Aria greets her with the day’s weather forecast and a motivational quote.

Throughout the day, Aria keeps track of her appointments, reminds her of essential tasks, and even curates a personalized playlist to lift her spirits during busy hours.

Jane’s life has become more organized and convenient, thanks to her reliable “Home Deus” companion.




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